HelpContents > HelpForUsers > HelpOnEditing > HelpOnParsers


Besides the default MoinMoin wiki markup, different parsers allow the user to enter content into a page or a page section which is interpreted differently.

Additionally to the built-in parsers, you can find more of them on ParserMarket.

1. How Parsers are applied

A parser reads some portion of text, analyzes it and creates some specially formatted output from it. You can choose the parser to use using 2 different techniques:

  1. A #format processing instruction

    A #format processing instruction can be used to tell MoinMoin which parser to use for the whole page content. By default this is the wiki parser (for moin wiki markup). For details see: The #format Processing Instruction

  2. A Parser section - see HelpOnFormatting With the use of a parser section, a parser can be applied to only a part of a page. You specify which parser to call by using a shebang-like construct in the first line. A shebang is a concept known from Unix command line scripts, where they serve the exact same purpose: the first line tells the shell what program to start to process the remaining lines of the script.

1.1. Example: Processing instruction

This is the complete page contents:

#format creole
... **bold** ...

1.2. Example: Parser section

This is a part of a wiki page:

It renders as:

1.3. Parser sections and nesting

Please note that there are 2 ways to solve nesting problems related to }}}:

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

2. Parsers for writing text content

Some of the parsers are intended for writing normal page text (like e.g. a document):

3. csv parser

The CSV parser works on so-called comma separated values, though the comma is now usually and by default a semicolon. The first line is considered to contain column titles that are rendered in bold, so when you don't want table headers, leave the first line empty.

The shebang can contain the following arguments:

The parser also supports the old, deprecated syntax for the shebang.

Example (please see the raw text of this page for the markup used):

MoinMoin Version Date
0.9 2001-05-07
0.8 2001-01-23
0.7 2000-12-06
0.6 2000-12-04
0.5 2000-11-17
0.4 2000-11-01
0.3 2000-10-25
0.2 2000-08-26
0.1 2000-07-29

Another example, utilizes link option to have links in some column:

{{{#!csv delimiter=, link=Server quotechar="
wiki, MoinMoin
translation, master19

It renders as:

Type Server
wiki MoinMoin
translation master19

4. diff, cplusplus, python, java, pascal, irc/irssi parsers

These parsers were provided with MoinMoin versions < 1.9 using a moin-specific parsing / syntax highlighting implementation. Since MoinMoin 1.9 these parsers are just shortcuts, calling the highlight parser (see below).

5. highlight parser

MoinMoin comes with a special parser called highlight that uses Pygments internally.

You can use it to highlight many sorts of programming source code, configuration files and other sorts of text files used on computers (just use the corresponding Lexer name from the table below).


renders as:

(!) Of course you can also use it for a complete page as a processing instruction, e.g.: #format highlight python

5.1. Arguments

The highlight parser accepts arguments for line numbering:


renders as:

class FooBar:
   """ doc string """

5.2. Available highlight lexers

Use value in "Lexer names" column as argument for the highlight parser:

Lexer description Lexer names File patterns Mimetypes
ABAP abap *.abap, *.ABAP text/x-abap
ABNF abnf *.abnf text/x-abnf
ActionScript as, actionscript *.as application/x-actionscript, text/x-actionscript, text/actionscript
ActionScript 3 as3, actionscript3 *.as application/x-actionscript3, text/x-actionscript3, text/actionscript3
Ada ada, ada95, ada2005 *.adb, *.ads, *.ada text/x-ada
ADL adl *.adl, *.adls, *.adlf, *.adlx
Agda agda *.agda text/x-agda
Aheui aheui *.aheui
Alloy alloy *.als text/x-alloy
AmbientTalk at, ambienttalk, ambienttalk/2 *.at text/x-ambienttalk
Ampl ampl *.run
Angular2 ng2
ANTLR antlr
ANTLR With ActionScript Target antlr-as, antlr-actionscript *.G, *.g
ANTLR With C# Target antlr-csharp, antlr-c# *.G, *.g
ANTLR With CPP Target antlr-cpp *.G, *.g
ANTLR With Java Target antlr-java *.G, *.g
ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target antlr-objc *.G, *.g
ANTLR With Perl Target antlr-perl *.G, *.g
ANTLR With Python Target antlr-python *.G, *.g
ANTLR With Ruby Target antlr-ruby, antlr-rb *.G, *.g
ApacheConf apacheconf, aconf, apache .htaccess, apache.conf, apache2.conf text/x-apacheconf
APL apl *.apl
AppleScript applescript *.applescript
Arduino arduino *.ino text/x-arduino
AspectJ aspectj *.aj text/x-aspectj
aspx-cs aspx-cs *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd
aspx-vb aspx-vb *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd
Asymptote asy, asymptote *.asy text/x-asymptote
Augeas augeas *.aug
autohotkey ahk, autohotkey *.ahk, *.ahkl text/x-autohotkey
AutoIt autoit *.au3 text/x-autoit
Awk awk, gawk, mawk, nawk *.awk application/x-awk
Base Makefile basemake
Bash bash, sh, ksh, zsh, shell *.sh, *.ksh, *.bash, *.ebuild, *.eclass, *.exheres-0, *.exlib, *.zsh, .bashrc, bashrc, .bash_*, bash_*, zshrc, .zshrc, PKGBUILD application/x-sh, application/x-shellscript, text/x-shellscript
Bash Session console, shell-session *.sh-session, *.shell-session application/x-shell-session, application/x-sh-session
Batchfile bat, batch, dosbatch, winbatch *.bat, *.cmd application/x-dos-batch
BBC Basic bbcbasic *.bbc
BBCode bbcode text/x-bbcode
BC bc *.bc
Befunge befunge *.befunge application/x-befunge
BibTeX bib, bibtex *.bib text/x-bibtex
BlitzBasic blitzbasic, b3d, bplus *.bb, *.decls text/x-bb
BlitzMax blitzmax, bmax *.bmx text/x-bmx
BNF bnf *.bnf text/x-bnf
Boa boa *.boa
Boo boo *.boo text/x-boo
Boogie boogie *.bpl
Brainfuck brainfuck, bf *.bf, *.b application/x-brainfuck
BST bst, bst-pybtex *.bst
BUGS bugs, winbugs, openbugs *.bug
C c *.c, *.h, *.idc text/x-chdr, text/x-csrc
C# csharp, c# *.cs text/x-csharp
C++ cpp, c++ *.cpp, *.hpp, *.c++, *.h++, *.cc, *.hh, *.cxx, *.hxx, *.C, *.H, *.cp, *.CPP text/x-c++hdr, text/x-c++src
c-objdump c-objdump *.c-objdump text/x-c-objdump
ca65 assembler ca65 *.s
cADL cadl *.cadl
CAmkES camkes, idl4 *.camkes, *.idl4
Cap'n Proto capnp *.capnp
CapDL capdl *.cdl
CBM BASIC V2 cbmbas *.bas
Ceylon ceylon *.ceylon text/x-ceylon
CFEngine3 cfengine3, cf3 *.cf
cfstatement cfs
ChaiScript chai, chaiscript *.chai text/x-chaiscript, application/x-chaiscript
Chapel chapel, chpl *.chpl
Charmci charmci *.ci
Cheetah cheetah, spitfire *.tmpl, *.spt application/x-cheetah, application/x-spitfire
Cirru cirru *.cirru text/x-cirru
Clay clay *.clay text/x-clay
Clean clean *.icl, *.dcl
Clojure clojure, clj *.clj text/x-clojure, application/x-clojure
ClojureScript clojurescript, cljs *.cljs text/x-clojurescript, application/x-clojurescript
CMake cmake *.cmake, CMakeLists.txt text/x-cmake
COBOL cobol *.cob, *.COB, *.cpy, *.CPY text/x-cobol
COBOLFree cobolfree *.cbl, *.CBL
CoffeeScript coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee *.coffee text/coffeescript
Coldfusion CFC cfc *.cfc
Coldfusion HTML cfm *.cfm, *.cfml application/x-coldfusion
Common Lisp common-lisp, cl, lisp *.cl, *.lisp text/x-common-lisp
Component Pascal componentpascal, cp *.cp, *.cps text/x-component-pascal
Coq coq *.v text/x-coq
cpp-objdump cpp-objdump, c++-objdumb, cxx-objdump *.cpp-objdump, *.c++-objdump, *.cxx-objdump text/x-cpp-objdump
CPSA cpsa *.cpsa
Crmsh crmsh, pcmk *.crmsh, *.pcmk
Croc croc *.croc text/x-crocsrc
Cryptol cryptol, cry *.cry text/x-cryptol
Crystal cr, crystal *.cr text/x-crystal
Csound Document csound-document, csound-csd *.csd
Csound Orchestra csound, csound-orc *.orc, *.udo
Csound Score csound-score, csound-sco *.sco
CSS css *.css text/css
CSS+Django/Jinja css+django, css+jinja text/css+django, text/css+jinja
CSS+Genshi Text css+genshitext, css+genshi text/css+genshi
CSS+Lasso css+lasso text/css+lasso
CSS+Mako css+mako text/css+mako
CSS+Mako css+mako
CSS+mozpreproc css+mozpreproc *
CSS+Myghty css+myghty text/css+myghty
CSS+PHP css+php text/css+php
CSS+Ruby css+erb, css+ruby text/css+ruby
CSS+Smarty css+smarty text/css+smarty
CUDA cuda, cu *.cu, *.cuh text/x-cuda
Cypher cypher *.cyp, *.cypher
Cython cython, pyx, pyrex *.pyx, *.pxd, *.pxi text/x-cython, application/x-cython
D d *.d, *.di text/x-dsrc
d-objdump d-objdump *.d-objdump text/x-d-objdump
Darcs Patch dpatch *.dpatch, *.darcspatch
Dart dart *.dart text/x-dart
DASM16 dasm16 *.dasm16, *.dasm text/x-dasm16
Debian Control file control, debcontrol control
Debian Sourcelist sourceslist, sources.list, debsources sources.list
Delphi delphi, pas, pascal, objectpascal *.pas, *.dpr text/x-pascal
dg dg *.dg text/x-dg
Diff diff, udiff *.diff, *.patch text/x-diff, text/x-patch
Django/Jinja django, jinja application/x-django-templating, application/x-jinja
Docker docker, dockerfile Dockerfile, *.docker text/x-dockerfile-config
DTD dtd *.dtd application/xml-dtd
Duel duel, jbst, jsonml+bst *.duel, *.jbst text/x-duel, text/x-jbst
Dylan dylan *.dylan, *.dyl, *.intr text/x-dylan
Dylan session dylan-console, dylan-repl *.dylan-console text/x-dylan-console
DylanLID dylan-lid, lid *.lid, *.hdp text/x-dylan-lid
E-mail email, eml *.eml message/rfc822
Earl Grey earl-grey, earlgrey, eg *.eg text/x-earl-grey
Easytrieve easytrieve *.ezt, *.mac text/x-easytrieve
EBNF ebnf *.ebnf text/x-ebnf
eC ec *.ec, *.eh text/x-echdr, text/x-ecsrc
ECL ecl *.ecl application/x-ecl
Eiffel eiffel *.e text/x-eiffel
Elixir elixir, ex, exs *.ex, *.exs text/x-elixir
Elixir iex session iex text/x-elixir-shellsession
Elm elm *.elm text/x-elm
EmacsLisp emacs, elisp, emacs-lisp *.el text/x-elisp, application/x-elisp
Embedded Ragel ragel-em *.rl
ERB erb application/x-ruby-templating
Erlang erlang *.erl, *.hrl, *.es, *.escript text/x-erlang
Erlang erl session erl *.erl-sh text/x-erl-shellsession
Evoque evoque *.evoque application/x-evoque
Ezhil ezhil *.n text/x-ezhil
F# fsharp, f# *.fs, *.fsi text/x-fsharp
Factor factor *.factor text/x-factor
Fancy fancy, fy *.fy, *.fancypack text/x-fancysrc
Fantom fan *.fan application/x-fantom
Felix felix, flx *.flx, *.flxh text/x-felix
Fennel fennel, fnl *.fnl
Fish fish, fishshell *.fish, *.load application/x-fish
Flatline flatline text/x-flatline
FloScript floscript, flo *.flo
Forth forth *.frt, *.fs application/x-forth
Fortran fortran *.f03, *.f90, *.F03, *.F90 text/x-fortran
FortranFixed fortranfixed *.f, *.F
FoxPro foxpro, vfp, clipper, xbase *.PRG, *.prg
Freefem freefem *.edp text/x-freefem
GAP gap *.g, *.gd, *.gi, *.gap
GAS gas, asm *.s, *.S text/x-gas
Genshi genshi, kid, xml+genshi, xml+kid *.kid application/x-genshi, application/x-kid
Genshi Text genshitext application/x-genshi-text, text/x-genshi
Gettext Catalog pot, po *.pot, *.po application/x-gettext, text/x-gettext, text/gettext
Gherkin cucumber, gherkin *.feature text/x-gherkin
GLSL glsl *.vert, *.frag, *.geo text/x-glslsrc
Gnuplot gnuplot *.plot, *.plt text/x-gnuplot
Go go *.go text/x-gosrc
Golo golo *.golo
GoodData-CL gooddata-cl *.gdc text/x-gooddata-cl
Gosu gosu *.gs, *.gsx, *.gsp, *.vark text/x-gosu
Gosu Template gst *.gst text/x-gosu-template
Groff groff, nroff, man *.[1234567], *.man application/x-troff, text/troff
Groovy groovy *.groovy, *.gradle text/x-groovy
Haml haml *.haml text/x-haml
Handlebars handlebars
Haskell haskell, hs *.hs text/x-haskell
Haxe hx, haxe, hxsl *.hx, *.hxsl text/haxe, text/x-haxe, text/x-hx
Hexdump hexdump
HLSL hlsl *.hlsl, *.hlsli text/x-hlsl
HSAIL hsail, hsa *.hsail text/x-hsail
Hspec hspec
HTML html *.html, *.htm, *.xhtml, *.xslt text/html, application/xhtml+xml
HTML + Angular2 html+ng2 *.ng2
HTML+Cheetah html+cheetah, html+spitfire, htmlcheetah text/html+cheetah, text/html+spitfire
HTML+Django/Jinja html+django, html+jinja, htmldjango text/html+django, text/html+jinja
HTML+Evoque html+evoque *.html text/html+evoque
HTML+Genshi html+genshi, html+kid text/html+genshi
HTML+Handlebars html+handlebars *.handlebars, *.hbs text/html+handlebars, text/x-handlebars-template
HTML+Lasso html+lasso text/html+lasso, application/x-httpd-lasso, application/x-httpd-lasso[89]
HTML+Mako html+mako text/html+mako
HTML+Mako html+mako
HTML+Myghty html+myghty text/html+myghty
HTML+PHP html+php *.phtml application/x-php, application/x-httpd-php, application/x-httpd-php3, application/x-httpd-php4, application/x-httpd-php5
HTML+Smarty html+smarty text/html+smarty
HTML+Twig html+twig *.twig text/html+twig
HTML+Velocity html+velocity text/html+velocity
HTTP http
Hxml haxeml, hxml *.hxml
Hy hylang *.hy text/x-hy, application/x-hy
Hybris hybris, hy *.hy, *.hyb text/x-hybris, application/x-hybris
Icon icon *.icon, *.ICON
IDL idl *.pro text/idl
Idris idris, idr *.idr text/x-idris
Igor igor, igorpro *.ipf text/ipf
Inform 6 inform6, i6 *.inf
Inform 6 template i6t *.i6t
Inform 7 inform7, i7 *.ni, *.i7x
INI ini, cfg, dosini *.ini, *.cfg, *.inf text/x-ini, text/inf
Io io *.io text/x-iosrc
Ioke ioke, ik *.ik text/x-iokesrc
IRC logs irc *.weechatlog text/x-irclog
Isabelle isabelle *.thy text/x-isabelle
J j *.ijs text/x-j
JAGS jags *.jag, *.bug
Jasmin jasmin, jasminxt *.j
Java java *.java text/x-java
Java Server Page jsp *.jsp application/x-jsp
JavaScript js, javascript *.js, *.jsm application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/x-javascript, text/javascript
JavaScript+Cheetah js+cheetah, javascript+cheetah, js+spitfire, javascript+spitfire application/x-javascript+cheetah, text/x-javascript+cheetah, text/javascript+cheetah, application/x-javascript+spitfire, text/x-javascript+spitfire, text/javascript+spitfire
JavaScript+Django/Jinja js+django, javascript+django, js+jinja, javascript+jinja application/x-javascript+django, application/x-javascript+jinja, text/x-javascript+django, text/x-javascript+jinja, text/javascript+django, text/javascript+jinja
JavaScript+Genshi Text js+genshitext, js+genshi, javascript+genshitext, javascript+genshi application/x-javascript+genshi, text/x-javascript+genshi, text/javascript+genshi
JavaScript+Lasso js+lasso, javascript+lasso application/x-javascript+lasso, text/x-javascript+lasso, text/javascript+lasso
JavaScript+Mako js+mako, javascript+mako application/x-javascript+mako, text/x-javascript+mako, text/javascript+mako
JavaScript+Mako js+mako, javascript+mako
Javascript+mozpreproc javascript+mozpreproc *
JavaScript+Myghty js+myghty, javascript+myghty application/x-javascript+myghty, text/x-javascript+myghty, text/javascript+mygthy
JavaScript+PHP js+php, javascript+php application/x-javascript+php, text/x-javascript+php, text/javascript+php
JavaScript+Ruby js+erb, javascript+erb, js+ruby, javascript+ruby application/x-javascript+ruby, text/x-javascript+ruby, text/javascript+ruby
JavaScript+Smarty js+smarty, javascript+smarty application/x-javascript+smarty, text/x-javascript+smarty, text/javascript+smarty
JCL jcl *.jcl text/x-jcl
JSGF jsgf *.jsgf application/jsgf, application/x-jsgf, text/jsgf
JSON json *.json application/json
JSON-LD jsonld, json-ld *.jsonld application/ld+json
JSONBareObject json-object application/json-object
Julia julia, jl *.jl text/x-julia, application/x-julia
Julia console jlcon
Juttle juttle, juttle *.juttle application/juttle, application/x-juttle, text/x-juttle, text/juttle
Kal kal *.kal text/kal, application/kal
Kconfig kconfig, menuconfig, linux-config, kernel-config Kconfig, **,*, text/x-kconfig
Koka koka *.kk, *.kki text/x-koka
Kotlin kotlin *.kt text/x-kotlin
Lasso lasso, lassoscript *.lasso, *.lasso[89] text/x-lasso
Lean lean *.lean text/x-lean
LessCss less *.less text/x-less-css
Lighttpd configuration file lighty, lighttpd text/x-lighttpd-conf
Limbo limbo *.b text/limbo
liquid liquid *.liquid
Literate Agda lagda, literate-agda *.lagda text/x-literate-agda
Literate Cryptol lcry, literate-cryptol, lcryptol *.lcry text/x-literate-cryptol
Literate Haskell lhs, literate-haskell, lhaskell *.lhs text/x-literate-haskell
Literate Idris lidr, literate-idris, lidris *.lidr text/x-literate-idris
LiveScript live-script, livescript *.ls text/livescript
LLVM llvm *.ll text/x-llvm
Logos logos *.x, *.xi, *.xm, *.xmi text/x-logos
Logtalk logtalk *.lgt, *.logtalk text/x-logtalk
LSL lsl *.lsl text/x-lsl
Lua lua *.lua, *.wlua text/x-lua, application/x-lua
Makefile make, makefile, mf, bsdmake *.mak, *.mk, Makefile, makefile, Makefile.*, GNUmakefile text/x-makefile
Mako mako *.mao application/x-mako
Mako mako *.mao
MAQL maql *.maql text/x-gooddata-maql, application/x-gooddata-maql
markdown md *.md text/x-markdown
Mask mask *.mask text/x-mask
Mason mason *.m, *.mhtml, *.mc, *.mi, autohandler, dhandler application/x-mason
Mathematica mathematica, mma, nb *.nb, *.cdf, *.nbp, *.ma application/mathematica, application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica, application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package, application/vnd.wolfram.cdf
Matlab matlab *.m text/matlab
Matlab session matlabsession
MIME mime multipart/mixed, multipart/related, multipart/alternative
MiniD minid text/x-minidsrc
Modelica modelica *.mo text/x-modelica
Modula-2 modula2, m2 *.def, *.mod text/x-modula2
MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup trac-wiki, moin text/x-trac-wiki
Monkey monkey *.monkey text/x-monkey
Monte monte *.mt
MOOCode moocode, moo *.moo text/x-moocode
MoonScript moon, moonscript *.moon text/x-moonscript, application/x-moonscript
mozhashpreproc mozhashpreproc
mozpercentpreproc mozpercentpreproc
MQL mql, mq4, mq5, mql4, mql5 *.mq4, *.mq5, *.mqh text/x-mql
Mscgen mscgen, msc *.msc
MSDOS Session doscon
MuPAD mupad *.mu
MXML mxml *.mxml
Myghty myghty *.myt, autodelegate application/x-myghty
MySQL mysql text/x-mysql
NASM nasm *.asm, *.ASM text/x-nasm
NCL ncl *.ncl text/ncl
Nemerle nemerle *.n text/x-nemerle
nesC nesc *.nc text/x-nescsrc
NewLisp newlisp *.lsp, *.nl, *.kif text/x-newlisp, application/x-newlisp
Newspeak newspeak *.ns2 text/x-newspeak
Nginx configuration file nginx nginx.conf text/x-nginx-conf
Nimrod nim, nimrod *.nim, *.nimrod text/x-nim
Nit nit *.nit
Nix nixos, nix *.nix text/x-nix
Notmuch notmuch
NSIS nsis, nsi, nsh *.nsi, *.nsh text/x-nsis
NumPy numpy
NuSMV nusmv *.smv
objdump objdump *.objdump text/x-objdump
objdump-nasm objdump-nasm *.objdump-intel text/x-nasm-objdump
Objective-C objective-c, objectivec, obj-c, objc *.m, *.h text/x-objective-c
Objective-C++ objective-c++, objectivec++, obj-c++, objc++ *.mm, *.hh text/x-objective-c++
Objective-J objective-j, objectivej, obj-j, objj *.j text/x-objective-j
OCaml ocaml *.ml, *.mli, *.mll, *.mly text/x-ocaml
Octave octave *.m text/octave
ODIN odin *.odin text/odin
Ooc ooc *.ooc text/x-ooc
Opa opa *.opa text/x-opa
OpenEdge ABL openedge, abl, progress *.p, *.cls text/x-openedge, application/x-openedge
PacmanConf pacmanconf pacman.conf
Pan pan *.pan
ParaSail parasail *.psi, *.psl text/x-parasail
Pawn pawn *.p, *.pwn, *.inc text/x-pawn
Perl perl, pl *.pl, *.pm, *.t text/x-perl, application/x-perl
Perl6 perl6, pl6 *.pl, *.pm, *.nqp, *.p6, *.6pl, *.p6l, *.pl6, *.6pm, *.p6m, *.pm6, *.t text/x-perl6, application/x-perl6
PHP php, php3, php4, php5 *.php, *.php[345], *.inc text/x-php
Pig pig *.pig text/x-pig
Pike pike *.pike, *.pmod text/x-pike
PkgConfig pkgconfig *.pc
PL/pgSQL plpgsql text/x-plpgsql
Pony pony *.pony
PostgreSQL console (psql) psql, postgresql-console, postgres-console text/x-postgresql-psql
PostgreSQL SQL dialect postgresql, postgres text/x-postgresql
PostScript postscript, postscr *.ps, *.eps application/postscript
POVRay pov *.pov, *.inc text/x-povray
PowerShell powershell, posh, ps1, psm1 *.ps1, *.psm1 text/x-powershell
PowerShell Session ps1con
Praat praat *.praat, *.proc, *.psc
Prolog prolog *.ecl, *.prolog, *.pro, *.pl text/x-prolog
Properties properties, jproperties *.properties text/x-java-properties
Protocol Buffer protobuf, proto *.proto
Pug pug, jade *.pug, *.jade text/x-pug, text/x-jade
Puppet puppet *.pp
PyPy Log pypylog, pypy *.pypylog application/x-pypylog
Python python, py, sage, python3, py3 *.py, *.pyw, *.jy, *.sage, *.sc, SConstruct, SConscript, *.bzl, BUCK, BUILD, BUILD.bazel, WORKSPACE, *.tac text/x-python, application/x-python, text/x-python3, application/x-python3
Python 2.x python2, py2 text/x-python2, application/x-python2
Python 2.x Traceback py2tb *.py2tb text/x-python2-traceback
Python console session pycon text/x-python-doctest
Python Traceback pytb, py3tb *.pytb, *.py3tb text/x-python-traceback, text/x-python3-traceback
QBasic qbasic, basic *.BAS, *.bas text/basic
QML qml, qbs *.qml, *.qbs application/x-qml, application/x-qt.qbs+qml
QVTO qvto, qvt *.qvto
Racket racket, rkt *.rkt, *.rktd, *.rktl text/x-racket, application/x-racket
Ragel ragel
Ragel in C Host ragel-c *.rl
Ragel in CPP Host ragel-cpp *.rl
Ragel in D Host ragel-d *.rl
Ragel in Java Host ragel-java *.rl
Ragel in Objective C Host ragel-objc *.rl
Ragel in Ruby Host ragel-ruby, ragel-rb *.rl
Raw token data raw application/x-pygments-tokens
RConsole rconsole, rout *.Rout
Rd rd *.Rd text/x-r-doc
REBOL rebol *.r, *.r3, *.reb text/x-rebol
Red red, red/system *.red, *.reds text/x-red, text/x-red-system
Redcode redcode *.cw
reg registry *.reg text/x-windows-registry
Relax-NG Compact rnc, rng-compact *.rnc
ResourceBundle resource, resourcebundle
reStructuredText rst, rest, restructuredtext *.rst, *.rest text/x-rst, text/prs.fallenstein.rst
Rexx rexx, arexx *.rexx, *.rex, *.rx, *.arexx text/x-rexx
RHTML rhtml, html+erb, html+ruby *.rhtml text/html+ruby
Roboconf Graph roboconf-graph *.graph
Roboconf Instances roboconf-instances *.instances
RobotFramework robotframework *.robot text/x-robotframework
RPMSpec spec *.spec text/x-rpm-spec
RQL rql *.rql text/x-rql
RSL rsl *.rsl text/rsl
Ruby rb, ruby, duby *.rb, *.rbw, Rakefile, *.rake, *.gemspec, *.rbx, *.duby, Gemfile text/x-ruby, application/x-ruby
Ruby irb session rbcon, irb text/x-ruby-shellsession
Rust rust, rs *.rs, * text/rust
S splus, s, r *.S, *.R, .Rhistory, .Rprofile, .Renviron text/S-plus, text/S, text/x-r-source, text/x-r, text/x-R, text/x-r-history, text/x-r-profile
SARL sarl *.sarl text/x-sarl
SAS sas *.SAS, *.sas text/x-sas, text/sas, application/x-sas
Sass sass *.sass text/x-sass
Scala scala *.scala text/x-scala
Scalate Server Page ssp *.ssp application/x-ssp
Scaml scaml *.scaml text/x-scaml
scdoc scdoc, scd *.scd, *.scdoc
Scheme scheme, scm *.scm, *.ss text/x-scheme, application/x-scheme
Scilab scilab *.sci, *.sce, *.tst text/scilab
SCSS scss *.scss text/x-scss
Shen shen *.shen text/x-shen, application/x-shen
ShExC shexc, shex *.shex text/shex
Silver silver *.sil, *.vpr
Slash slash *.sl
Slim slim *.slim text/x-slim
Slurm slurm, sbatch *.sl
Smali smali *.smali text/smali
Smalltalk smalltalk, squeak, st *.st text/x-smalltalk
SmartGameFormat sgf *.sgf
Smarty smarty *.tpl application/x-smarty
Snobol snobol *.snobol text/x-snobol
Snowball snowball *.sbl
Solidity solidity *.sol
SourcePawn sp *.sp text/x-sourcepawn
SPARQL sparql *.rq, *.sparql application/sparql-query
SQL sql *.sql text/x-sql
sqlite3con sqlite3 *.sqlite3-console text/x-sqlite3-console
SquidConf squidconf, squid.conf, squid squid.conf text/x-squidconf
Stan stan *.stan
Standard ML sml *.sml, *.sig, *.fun text/x-standardml, application/x-standardml
Stata stata, do *.do, *.ado text/x-stata, text/stata, application/x-stata
SuperCollider sc, supercollider *.sc, *.scd application/supercollider, text/supercollider
Swift swift *.swift text/x-swift
SWIG swig *.swg, *.i text/swig
systemverilog systemverilog, sv *.sv, *.svh text/x-systemverilog
TADS 3 tads3 *.t
TAP tap *.tap
TASM tasm *.asm, *.ASM, *.tasm text/x-tasm
Tcl tcl *.tcl, *.rvt text/x-tcl, text/x-script.tcl, application/x-tcl
Tcsh tcsh, csh *.tcsh, *.csh application/x-csh
Tcsh Session tcshcon
Tea tea *.tea text/x-tea
Tera Term macro ttl, teraterm, teratermmacro *.ttl text/x-teratermmacro
Termcap termcap termcap, termcap.src
Terminfo terminfo terminfo, terminfo.src
Terraform terraform, tf *.tf application/x-tf, application/x-terraform
TeX tex, latex *.tex, *.aux, *.toc text/x-tex, text/x-latex
Text only text *.txt text/plain
Thrift thrift *.thrift application/x-thrift
Todotxt todotxt todo.txt, *.todotxt text/x-todo
TOML toml *.toml
TrafficScript rts, trafficscript *.rts
Transact-SQL tsql, t-sql *.sql text/x-tsql
Treetop treetop *.treetop, *.tt
Turtle turtle *.ttl text/turtle, application/x-turtle
Twig twig application/x-twig
TypeScript ts, typescript *.ts, *.tsx text/x-typescript
TypoScript typoscript *.typoscript text/x-typoscript
TypoScriptCssData typoscriptcssdata
TypoScriptHtmlData typoscripthtmldata
ucode ucode *.u, *.u1, *.u2
Unicon unicon *.icn text/unicon
UrbiScript urbiscript *.u application/x-urbiscript
Vala vala, vapi *.vala, *.vapi text/x-vala, vbnet *.vb, *.bas text/x-vbnet, text/x-vba
VBScript vbscript *.vbs, *.VBS
VCL vcl *.vcl text/x-vclsrc
VCLSnippets vclsnippets, vclsnippet text/x-vclsnippet
VCTreeStatus vctreestatus
Velocity velocity *.vm, *.fhtml
verilog verilog, v *.v text/x-verilog
VGL vgl *.rpf
vhdl vhdl *.vhdl, *.vhd text/x-vhdl
VimL vim *.vim, .vimrc, .exrc, .gvimrc, _vimrc, _exrc, _gvimrc, vimrc, gvimrc text/x-vim
WDiff wdiff *.wdiff
Whiley whiley *.whiley text/x-whiley
X10 x10, xten *.x10 text/x-x10
XML xml *.xml, *.xsl, *.rss, *.xslt, *.xsd, *.wsdl, *.wsf text/xml, application/xml, image/svg+xml, application/rss+xml, application/atom+xml
XML+Cheetah xml+cheetah, xml+spitfire application/xml+cheetah, application/xml+spitfire
XML+Django/Jinja xml+django, xml+jinja application/xml+django, application/xml+jinja
XML+Evoque xml+evoque *.xml application/xml+evoque
XML+Lasso xml+lasso application/xml+lasso
XML+Mako xml+mako application/xml+mako
XML+Mako xml+mako
XML+Myghty xml+myghty application/xml+myghty
XML+PHP xml+php application/xml+php
XML+Ruby xml+erb, xml+ruby application/xml+ruby
XML+Smarty xml+smarty application/xml+smarty
XML+Velocity xml+velocity application/xml+velocity
Xorg xorg.conf xorg.conf
XQuery xquery, xqy, xq, xql, xqm *.xqy, *.xquery, *.xq, *.xql, *.xqm text/xquery, application/xquery
XSLT xslt *.xsl, *.xslt, *.xpl application/xsl+xml, application/xslt+xml
Xtend xtend *.xtend text/x-xtend
xtlang extempore *.xtm
XUL+mozpreproc xul+mozpreproc *
YAML yaml *.yaml, *.yml text/x-yaml
YAML+Jinja yaml+jinja, salt, sls *.sls text/x-yaml+jinja, text/x-sls
Zeek zeek, bro *.zeek, *.bro
Zephir zephir *.zep
Zig zig *.zig text/zig